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Podcast Salon

Yuval Saar, editor-in-chief of the online art and design magazine Portfolio, talks about work, creation, and inspiration with artists who participate in various parts of the fair – the Independent Artists’ Greenhouse, Fresh Design, Art Projects, the Secret Postcard, and more. The talks will be recorded live during the fair by, a company producing podcasts for businesses, and will then be uploaded to Freshpaint’s digital platform and Portfolio Magazine’s various streaming platforms.

All of the recorded podcasts are available here:

Podcast Program

Thursday 21.10

18:00 – Ziv Yaakobi: Industrial designer, lives, works, and creates in Tel Aviv. Co-owner of PULP, a paper products and accessories brand for the work and personal environment, operates from the workshop located in Tel Aviv. The products are intended for design lovers who value precision, convenience, and organization.

19:00 – Michal Shamir: Award-winning artist, co-founder of Protective Edge group, head of the School of Art, Society, and Culture at Sapir College. Her works have been exhibited in many group and solo exhibitions in Israel and abroad, and are included in many important collections.

20:00 – Amit Kanfi: Lives in Jaffa, grew up in a moshav in the Sharon as well as in Istanbul and Amsterdam. In recent years, he has been working in the studio as well as public spaces in Tel Aviv. His works are intended to touch sensitive parts of the soul and their common denominator is their humorous/sarcastic – and some would say dark – approach to various issues and aspects of the artist’s identity.


Saturday 23.10

18:00 – Omer Polak: Designer, researcher, and lecturer who deals with the connection between humans, nature, and technology with an emphasis on sensory experiences. Lives and works in Berlin.

19:00 – Gil Aldor: Lives and works in Jaffa, works in the field of furniture, and produces items designed for the home environment. He finds inspiration mainly in local objects and architecture; In the cultures that were here and left, from the Hellenistic and Roman periods, and the Jewish and Arab cultures that still inhabit the area.

20:00 – Daniella Meroz: Video artist, lives and works in Tel Aviv. Her work deals with the body and photography, and their expansion through cinema. Childhood memories, the present, conscious, subconscious, the family living room, and political environment coalesce and separate, arrange and disarrange.


Sunday 24.10

18:00 – Dana Cohen: Lives in Tel Aviv and creates in Yehud. Her work deals with sustainability, humans’ relationship with nature, and environmental changes. She uses a self-developed recycling technique of textile waste, which she turns into new raw material.

19:00 – Sari Golan: art curator, lecturer, and writer. Director of the Triangle Art – an agency representing mainly female artists (and a few male artists) since 2014. Engaged in promoting contemporary Israeli art with an emphasis on female artists who have not yet received the recognition they deserve. Lectures regularly on career development for artists.

20:00 – Itay Zalait: Multidisciplinary artist and lecturer, lives and works in Ramat Gan. Examines questions of freedom, in the personal and collective perspective.


Monday 25.10

18:00 – Milly Barzellai: Born in Kibbutz Bror Hayil, lives in Tel Aviv, creates in Tel Aviv and Chicago. During the months before the fair, he created 22 utopian clouds, sculpted in soft clay on wooden boxes. The series was formed during the lockdowns when he sought to disengage from the outside and build from the inside a soft and childlike world that is nowhere and at no time.

19:00 – Tamara Efrat: Lives and works in Jaffa. Her works deal with the connection between craft and advanced technologies. At the fair, she will exhibit a series of porcelains based on algorithmic design, digital research, and three-dimensional mapping and printing software.

20:00 – Itamar Shimshony: artist and sculptor who creates installations, lives in the Shapira neighborhood. Coordinates the Department of Plastic Arts at the School of the Arts, Arison Campus, Tel Aviv, which is collaborating with the Secret Postcard project. Last summer, he exhibited the large community project City Factory at MoBY – Museums of Bat Yam.


Tuesday 26.10

18:00 – Tal Zur, co-founder of iota. The studio, located in Jaffa, engages with the preservation of handicrafts as well as with social design of home textiles, and occasionally with handmade fashion, by women who learn to knit to enable employment opportunities.

19:00 – Maor Aharon: Product designer and artist, lives and works in Tel Aviv. Maker of materials, builder of machines, designer and creator of unique objects and products that tell their creation through material, color, texture, and function.

20:00 – Gil Erlich: holds a bachelor’s degree in software engineering from the Technion, and studies for a master’s degree in art history at Tel Aviv University. Tech person addicted to art. At the fair, he will present an NFT project that grew out of his experiences as a bachelor looking for intimacy and love in the real world and in dating apps.

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